Roy was a comedian / musician who put out records sometime in the 1970s that was mostly aimed at those who spoke Ukrainian. My grandmother was such a person and owned quite a few of Roy's records, many of which I listened to when I was a young boy. I enjoy all kinds of music, and listening to my grandmother's records was something for me to do while we were visiting her even though I couldn't understand nor speak a word of Ukrainian.
After finding almost nothing on the web except for a mention from a local legion and a brief obituary, I decided that I should put something up. Here are some photos, the obituary I found (which is no longer up) and some of his music. If I could recommend only one song, it would be the Hop Hop Car Song.
If you would like to contribute your memories of Roy, please add a comment.
I'll be putting all of his works up for download. If I'm violating copyright by putting his music here, please let me know and I will take it down. As far as I know, NONE of Roy's music is available on Compact Disc, or is currently in print (with the possible exception of "A Night Out With Roy") If you're looking for official copies of his albums, they pop up on Ebay occasionally.

ROY MYKYTYSHYN October 24, 2006 In loving memory of my husband and father. One year ago today, you were taken away from us, We think of you in silence and speak to you and say your name. You memory is our keepsake God has you in His keeping, We have you in our hearts. - Sadly missed and loved, your wife Betty and family.
Roy Mykytyshyn Sets Your Heart On Fire With Old And New Ukrainian Songs
Reissue: A Night Out With Roy
(download MP3)
(download WAV)
SVLP 3070

Tracks (New titles for "Night Out With Roy" album in brackets):
01) New Canadian Kolomeyka
02) Freedom Of Ukraine
03) V-Waltz (Pepper's Waltz)
04) Screwball Polka
05) A Long Time From Home
06) Tzeexo-Tzeexo Kolomeyka
07) Don't Cry Mama
08) Hop Hop Car Story
09) Picking Flowers
10) Veceelna Kolomeyka
11) It's Not Your Girl Polka
12) S.O.B. (Wedding Bliss Song)
Comments: Roy's first album and probably my most favorite. The mix is good, the songs are unique and interesting, and the Hop Hop Car Song is amusing for anyone! However, I'm convinced that the original pressings of this album were done with a defective master disc since every copy I've heard is full of noise in the same places.
Marriage & Married Life Ukrainian Style
(download MP3)
(download WAV)
SVLP 3090

Voices: Roy Mykytyshyn, Lillian Sumka, Stefie Sumka
Violin: Ann Kraichy
Accordian: Adam Lukow
Tenor Sax: Don Kraichy
Lead Guitar: Steven Groshak
Rhythm Guitar: Earnie Gentes
Drummer: Bob Kraichy
01) Wedding March Intro
02) Getting Ready For Wedding
03) Their Kolomayka
04) Problems and More Problems
05) Father's Wedding Kolomayka
06) Father and Daughter Disagreement On Choice Of Groom
07) Wedding March
08) Getting Ready For Presentation
09) Father & Mother Sing Their Presentation Song
10) Beer Kolomayka
11) Mother My Mother Song
12) More Presentation Song Ending Wedding
13) Married Troubles
14) Ann Play A Polka For Father
15) Kolomayka The Good Old Days For Father
16) More Problems
17) Finis Kolomayka
Comments: Never been much of a favorite of mine, likely due to the poor production work on this album. The mix could have been a lot better.
Divorce Ukrainian Style
(download MP3)
(download WAV)
SVLP 3097

Voices: Roy Mykytyshyn, Lillian Sumka, Stephie Sumka
Violin: Ann Kraichy
Accordian: Adam Lukow
Drums: Ernie Bandura
Tenor Sax: Don Kraichy
Rhythm Guitar: Earnie Gentes
01) Family Problems Song
02) Family Troubles
03) Winnipeg Travelling Kolomayka
04) Phoning The Lawyer
05) Old Country Was Better Than Here
06) This Country Was Better Than Old Country
07) Phoning Girl Friend
08) The Farmer's Song
09) Girls Shopping
10) Ann's Kolomayka
11) Northend Liquor Store
12) Just How You Leave Me
13) Maxin's Phone Call To Mother
14) Maxin's Good Time At The Bar
15) A Polka For Mother
16) Girls Shopping For Maxin's
17) Maxin's Song For Family Inlaws
18) Finish Kolomayka For More???
19) Ending Polka
Comments: Great album all around, one of my favorites. Excellent production work makes it an enjoyable listen.
Silver 25th Wedding Anniversary Ukrainian-ski Style (download MP3)
(download WAV)
SVLP 3115

01) Kolomayka
02) Getting Ready For The 25th
03) Oh My Wife, What Are you Good For?
04) Introduction Speech For 25th For The Couple
05) Anniversary Waltz Song
06) Anniversary Waltz Dance
07) Twenty-Fifth Groom's Speech
08) Let's Get Together And Dance All Night
09) Lucky, Unlucky Times For The Wife
10) I Remember , I Wish I Wasn't Born
11) I know I know About Ukrainian Festival
12) National Festival
13) Bad Times For The Groom 25 Years
14) Good Times On The Farm
15) I'm Leaving You Old Woman - A Young One Wants Me
16) Good Times Downtown Boys
17) I'll Think And Drink But You Keep Quiet
18) It's Always Best At Home
Comments: Another great album with fantastic production. This one's a bit hard to find.
Christening Ukrainian Style
(download MP3)
(download WAV)
SVLP 3121

01) Getting Ready for Christening
02) Anne My Love
03) Going To Church
04) Adam's Rib
05) Coming Back to Cars
06) Thanking Song for Super Kid
07) Les & Roy's Party Song
08) Superkid's Thanks for Christening
09) Look At Yourself Dear Waltz
10) My Love My Wife
11) Making Home Brew - Parts 1-2-3 and 4
12) My Dream About Heaven
13) The Baseball Game
14) I Don't Give A Dam
15) Born A Fool
16) Moon Over The Forest
Comments: Probably the most bizarre album of them all, but very nice production work. This seems to be the hardest one to find.
Anne Kraichy - Musical Gems
(download MP3)
(download WAV)

01) Krakowiak
02) Oberek
03) Bachelor Polka
04) Violin Tango
05) Polish Polka
06) Westphalia Waltz
07) Can't Refuse This Polka
08) Golden Dance Medley
09) Longing For You Tango
10) Blondie Polka
11) Memory Waltz Medley
12) Favourite Butterfly Dance
Comments: Anne Kraichy played the fiddle on Roy's albums. This is one of her solo albums, released on Ollytone Records. From the look of the professional packaging, my guess is it was released on cassette only. According to a reader, she has another solo album (Kozachok) released on V-Records. If I find it, I will post it as well.