When most people burned a CD or record a tape, they just scribble the songs on the case or write something generic like "Good Mix" on it. But occasionally, some people will take some time and put work into the 'album cover' of their freshly-made mix. These works of art seem to be a bit scarce in the wild, but it's always a treat when you find one. Let's look at some...
Samantha's Birthday Mix

I picked up two of Samantha's CD in a freebie box at a yard sale. Why would she get rid of these? Samantha was very quick about making this cover, as she just wrote on a piece of paper and drew some balloons. A good chunk of the songs on this mix CD suck ass.
Mix CD #6

I'm assuming that this is also Samantha's CD since it was in the same freebie box. You may not be able to tell from the scan, but Samantha put a LOT of work into this one. It looks as if she printed out a bunch of pictures of herself and her friends, cut them out, glued them onto the paper, waited for it to dry, and then ran the collage back through the printer to print the track listing. I'm not sure if the same was done for the title, or if she wrote it with a marker.
I'm guess using Photoshop to make her collage was just too fucking difficult for her.

Before Brian Johnson became the singer for AC/DC, he was in a band called Geordie. What we have here is Geordie's first two albums recorded onto an 8-track (the brand name is Eaton's Viking) and I'm only guessing that the picture glued onto the top of the tape (which was cut from a newspaper) is Brian Johnson. The name "Geordie" seems to be somewhat professionally printed onto either a label, or it was printed on the background paper with Scotch brand magic tape over top. The song listing on the back is hand-written.
Random artwork found on the ground

Okay, so this isn't an album cover, but it's been sitting in the 'queue box' for fucking ever. It's an original piece of pastel artwork, and I found it laying on the boulevard. I have no clue what the artist was trying to convey. Perhaps they have Parkinson's disease and they're only able to draw squiggly lines. Whatever the person's artistic handicap may be, this is an ugly piece of work. The artist's name seems to appear at the bottom right, but it's barely legible. I'd hang it on my wall if it didn't suck.
Well, that's it for this entry. If you're completely bummed out that there was no audio, then you can always download and listen to the radio broadcast I did with Kent Davies' radio show Amateur Hour where I played some of my favorites and not-so-favorites. I haven't listened to it myself yet, so I have no clue how stupid I sound on the radio. Regardless, we both agreed that it would not be my last appearance on his show. Unfortunately, it may not happen until at least November since I'll be Junq Touring across Manitoba, in search of foreign garbage that will grace the face of this blog.
(In case the radio broadcast link above goes tits up, you can download it here too.)