Today, while browsing a thrift store, I found a children's cassette player. It wasn't the player I was interested in, but the cassette inside labelled "Allysa A. Rm 8" on it. I knew this was either going to be interesting, or it was going to be a mix tape. I pulled it out of the machine and spent the $1 on this potential treasure.

...and what a treasure it was! Side B seems to be a message of some sort to a Sunday School teacher, made up of what seems to be self-penned Christian songs. But the best part is they're sung by a child, and a child who can actually carry a tune! We've got a song called "Superman" followed by a Flintstone Theme Song parody called "Jesus Loves Me". Oh yeah, and there's the smash-hit "God Made Manitoba".
Side A is much less interesting. It's made up of the same kids repeating "Eenie Meenie Miney Moe" ad nauseum, followed by a good 15 minutes of background noise.
Click here if you'd like to listen to Side B in it's entirety!
"Superman" is a very neat tune. Are you sure the singers name is Allysa? On the beginning of Side B she introduces herself as Heather Baker and she mentions another person Allysa Appelt(?) who is in a bible time group with the person the tape was intended for, it seems. Cheers. Many thanks for sharing.
I don`t remember if I ever got back to you on this! This was my tape when I was 7 or 8. I can't believe you found it. The player it was in was probably what I used to record it with!
That's awesome! Hope you enjoyed listening to it after all these years. I'm probably going to feature it on the radio show I'm co-hosting on August 15th.
Nice. Thanks for resurfacing that memory for me!
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