Monday, August 3, 2009

I Won!

I was working on my next blog entry (which is taking FOREVER to complete) when I got a new email which informed me that I had indeed won 3rd place in the "How Do You Linux" contest! Here's what's heading my way in the mail:

Ain't it nice? The first thing I'm gonna do with it is install Linux on it!

...oh wait, it's coming pre-installed with Linux. Awesome!

Well then, the first thing I'm gonna do with it is install E17 to make it look nice and sexy!

THANK YOU FOR ALL THE VOTES! You guys kick ass.

Unfortunately, I didn't win the $2000 to go with it. The first two placements went to a couple of Russians, so there will be no Thrift Store shopping spree.

I'm going to finish this blog entry by playing an infamous quote by Jim Belushi from the movie "Red Heat"....


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