Here's me playing with my new camera! I found it in the middle of the road. What surprises me is that it hadn't yet been crushed by a passing vehicle. It's a Sony Cybershot Model DSC-W210. You can buy one on Ebay for around $100.
So, I'm officially going to review this camera...
- It was free!
- Carrying case smells like a woman's purse
- Charger cost me $4 (including shipping) from Ebay
- Came with pictures!
- Camera is made by Sony
- Camera is pink
- Carrying case is purple
- Motorized lens cover needed lubricating
- Uses Sony's proprietary media card
- Came with Justin Bieber concert footage
I generally hate Sony products, but I don't mind FREE Sony products especially when I needed a new digital camera anyway. The pink doesn't bother me much, but I have to get a new case for it.
Anyway, you're not reading this post for my review on some crappy camera. You're here to see what's on the media card! Here's a few select pictures which I found interesting...
The purple camera case is in her left hand:

Camera case at another angle:

Humping a statue (can anyone name him?):

Baby boy wearing a bra:

Baby boy picking his nose:

Dead guy posing with bicycle:

Hideous woman with made-up tween:

Something for all you pedophiles (there was a whole series of these):

...and why Justin Bieber is NOT COOL:

I mean, look at him! He's wearing his purple baseball cap backwards while playing guitar inside a giant heart. If I were him, I'd jump my ass OUT of that heart and splatter myself onto the stage below. There is absolutely NOTHING more feminine than this! Give him a couple of years, and he's going to be a crack-smoking, washed-up has-been selling real estate. Enjoy the ride, Bieber! Your days are numbered...
What does a woman's purse smell like??
You have the coolest life. Or maybe the lamest life.
But definitely the coolest comments about whatever kind of life it is that you're living.
I know exactly what a woman's purse smells like. Great stuff man. I dig your blog a ton!
Dumb question, but did you post the camera as missing on craigslist first?
My current Camera, a Canon Powershot SD750 I found on a street corner in NYC. It was full of pictures of an Asian frat house, possibly NYU. anyways I posted some pics on craigslist and tried contacting some houses. After no luck I erased the card (after backing it up for my own pleasure) and use the camera to this day.
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