Tequila Mockingbird - Any Shape or Form

This was a Winnipeg band, and it's very likely that I shared the stage with them at some point. Their name is memorable, and their music is quite good! Or was quite good. I don't think they're together anymore.
Listen to Any Shape or Form
Nancy Klassen - Higher

Aww, how cute! She thinks she's a tree! Or she's getting fucked up the ass by the tree. I can't tell because the camera doesn't give a very clear shot of what's happening around her pelvic area. However, her facial expression is telling me that something is tickling her somewhere, and she's trying not to express how much she's enjoy it. According to the first song, she's getting tickled by the love of Jesus, but I think that's debatable.
Listen to Just Like You
Club Ophelia 2010-2011

This is a DVD! It was made at Boissevain School! Nobody knows what Club Ophelia is! It is no longer 2010 or 2011! It is outdated!
Some of the girls in this video describe in their own words what Club Ophelia is. From their words, it's a club for girls who don't treat other people like shit. Sounds like a good thing to me, but did we need an entire DVD on the subject? Yes! We did! With bad acting! And terrible audio! and songs that will get me a copyright strike, so I posted it on my junk youtube account! Hooray!
Our next trip is to... Brandon Manitoba! Home of the wheat things!
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