4fun - You Got Ta Do Right

Sometimes I'll end up with an acapella album in my possession. It's usually not too terrible because it takes talent and practice to make voices work together. 4fun brings you the acapella sounds of the 1950s, performing songs such as "The Lion Sleeps Tonight", "Barbara Ann", "Duke of Earl", and "I Sing The Mighty Power of God".
4fun is essentially a complete rip-off (albeit a Christian rip-off) of the Canadian band "The Nylons" who rose to fame with their 1980s album covers and their acapella version of Steam's "Na Na Hey Hey Kiss Him Goodbye".
While 4fun perform this rendition of Steam's (and The Nylon's) only hit perfectly fine, the instrumentation and production just isn't as up-to-snuff as the Nylons version. They also don't have a "Mr. Bassman" to fill out the lower end of the vocals, and they left out the "Na Na Hey Hey" in the song title, implying that they like kissing other men.
Listen to Kiss Him Goodbye
My Vertigo

This is a 3 song demo from a band who perform as if the room is spinning. They occasionally fall down and start puking uncontrollably. The singer sounds as if he has just finished vomiting, with stringy spit hanging from his bottom lip.
This is nothing more than a boring attempt at 90s alternative rock, with that "I'm a miserable Generation Xer who's going to ruin society when I turn 30 years old" sound. The production is the shits and I really don't like the singer. He should go back to throwing up.
Listen to Scream Out Loud
Reta Webster 45

You can immediately see why I grabbed this one! It's got everything guaranteed to make it interesting; A record label called "Home Recording Service", the sub-note "Personal Recordings", and a song about Manitoba. It's unlikely to find this recording anywhere else!
While there's no date on this 45, it sounds like it came from the 1950s. The song about Manitoba is mediocre, but I completely appreciate the B-side called "Misty Morning of To-Morrow". I don't know if the dash in the word "tomorrow" was eventually eliminated through evolution in our writing, but I'm thankful that we eliminated the implied evilness it would have brought upon society.
Listen to Manitoba Our Home
Listen to Misty Morning of To-Morrow
iktv U-Best Karaoke Series - Elvis Favorites disc 01

Karaoke discs are usually interesting to some degree. This is a VCD so it has video playing while the lyrics are appearing on the screen. It's mostly boring footage that has very little to do with the accompanying song.
When covering songs by Elvis Presley, it is against the law to perform it without at least attempting to sound just like the dead singer. This causes covers of songs like "In The Ghetto" to turn out like absolute garbage.
I'd post some videos, but Youtube will have my balls squeezed into a fried peanut butter and banana sandwich if I do.
Listen to In The Ghetto
iktv U-Best Karaoke Series - Beatles Favorites disc 01

And this is the cream of the crap. Instead of having boring footage playing in the background, we have some fake Beatles performing. They don't look too bad either!

One of the most interesting tracks is Yellow Submarine. They're all dressed up like doormen, and they're singing in an empty train car while coloured filters are added to the camera lens. Psychedelic, man! Check out fake Ringo's pie-hole and moustache!

I'll try and squeeze some footage of Yellow Submarine into the Junq Tour video I'm assembling, so stay tuned for that!
The rendition of "Hey Jude" is fucking awful, so here it is:
Listen to Hey Jude
I'm trying to get all these posted before Christmas comes, so let's race over to Boissevain and see what we can find!
"Elvis" on here sounds less like Elvis and more like Hank Hill.
I swear that beatles thing was repeatedly broadcasted on a local public access station here in san jose
With reference to Corinna Kruger,
I see the comment that was written is no longer available. Either you did not like it or you just deleted the comment to hide the fact that you only speak one language. So sad. With regards to the other artists... at least they are trying. At least they do not comment on the music other people have.
Have fun sitting in front of your screen, making stupid reviews. Maybe, you should try and make a cd or recording and let people comment on what they think.
To the comment above... Yes, I've made a CD. It's in the sidebar. Feel free to download it and review it. I welcome your criticism!
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