Thursday, July 2, 2009

Fund This Blog! Cast Your Vote!

I don't have a Paypal button on my blog. I don't have Google ads either. All of the money I pour into buying all the crap on here comes out of my own pocket. Sometimes I waste money of pieces of shit such as the Rodney Dean album and the countless answering machine tapes that have old ladies talking on them. In other words, I waste quite a bit of money on duds that REALLY don't make the cut on here. But I think it's worth it for the few treasures that I DO find! Oh yeah, and there's also the cost of gas that I burn to visit my favorite thrift stores. That adds up.

I'm not asking you for money, but I'm asking for your help. I created a video about my Garage Jukebox and submitted it to a Linux contest, and it made it into the finals! First prize is $2000 and a Netbook. Do you know how much Thrift Store and Garage Sale crap you can buy for $2000? LOTS!!!

So, I'm going to make a request of all you. Please go vote for my video "Linux Powered Jukebox" which is located at (Site Dead). In fact, vote twice (close your browser, then re-open it). If you're bored, vote a few times. The more votes, the better my chances are to have a shopping spree at Value Village and the MCC Thrift and Gift shop.

Fun Facts About The Video:

- The song you hear throughout the video was written, recorded and produced by myself. I play every instrument. It's called "Sentimental Chains" and my vocal track was removed for the video.
- The song was recorded in Windows (TRAITOR!) just before I moved over to Linux. This instrumental version was mixed in a piece of Windows software running in WINE, a Linux program that lets you run Windows software.
- The entire video was edited in OpenMovieEditor, a nifty piece of Linux software.
- Here's the blooper reel. It makes more sense if you watch the original...

- That's my two year old at the end of the blooper reel, reciting my entire video dialog.
- Technical details about the Garage Jukebox can be found HERE.

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