But I'm skeptical. I'm always so fucking skeptical when my dreams are about to come true. So I went and checked out their website. The first thing I noticed is that they mention the weather. Then I realized it wasn't intentional. I realized it was a typo. Then I realized more typos...

Now I'm usually a pretty forgiving guy. Hell, I keep giving Teo Mance chances to showcase a GOOD recording on this blog, so why not give these guys the same consideration? I decided to chat with their "knowlegable, helpful dedicated fast suppoort team" and ask them a few questions.
I got kicked out of chat while I was busy taking screenshots of the conversation, but they nicely offered a transcript for me to paste here for your enjoyment!
[6/13/2014 6:55:26 PM] Ben joined the chat
[6/13/2014 6:55:27 PM] Ben said:
I have lots of questions...
[6/13/2014 6:55:40 PM] Music Nations Network - Support joined the chat
[6/13/2014 6:55:47 PM] Music Nations Network - Support said:
Hi! How may I help you?
[6/13/2014 6:56:21 PM] Ben said:
Besides getting paid, what other kinds of benefits do I get by joining?
[6/13/2014 6:58:16 PM] Music Nations Network - Support said:
You can see the benefits here http://www.musicnationsnetwork.com/benefits
[6/13/2014 7:00:30 PM] Ben said:
My main outlet for my content is my blog, which gets a large portion of it's traffic from youtube. How will joining a network help gain exposure to my blog?
[6/13/2014 7:01:26 PM] Music Nations Network - Support said:
We will as much as feasible possible, promote your videos and generate revenue including revenue on top of the YouTube revenue by using (parts of) your content. When we do so, we will always mention you in the credits and/or use annotations linking to your channel aimed at building up traffic to your channel and growing your subscriber base.
[6/13/2014 7:02:22 PM] Ben said:
Can you show me an example of a network?
[6/13/2014 7:02:55 PM] Music Nations Network - Support said:
I don't have an example. kindly email support@musicnationsnetwork.com to request for one.
[6/13/2014 7:06:59 PM] Ben said:
So is your job to strictly copy and paste content from the website?
[6/13/2014 7:07:41 PM] Music Nations Network - Support said:
I'n sorry but I only have limited access
[6/13/2014 7:07:54 PM] Music Nations Network - Support said:
I'm sorry but I only have limited access
[6/13/2014 7:09:39 PM] Music Nations Network - Support said:
Hi! Are you there? I may need to end this chat as I don't have any response from you. Thank you.
So, here is an open letter to the Music Nations Network...
Dear MNN,
Thank you for taking an interest in my highly successful Youtube videos. However, I must decline your offer to pay me. I'm terrified that you may neglect to pay me due to errors on your website and/or contract which legally require me to show terrible ads on my videos, and legally clear you of having to pay me anything.
Your "knowlegable, helpful dedicated fast suppoort team" was not knowledgeable, helpful, nor supportive. I honestly wouldn't be surprised if the "Ctrl", "C" and "V" keys on their keyboards have been worn down to the rubber pads. Please hire some unsuccessfully aborted fetuses to replace your current staff.
Yours in Christ,
This is a very helpful post. I got the same "message in my inbox" to join. I'll have to stop my research now and stay away from them. Sounds cheap...
Thanks for the post,
Same here; thanks for the review. ;)
Thanks a lot for the post. You just saved me a boatload of aggravation:)
hi thanks for this blog.
I recevied also one their req..
can you help me and suggest a good partner for youtube? thanks
they have correct the wrong words..
but the contract during 1 year minimum and not can unsuscribe before if you don't like..
This has been so helpful and seen a couple of warnings about them now here and there. They messeged me yesterday then deleted the message after sending cause YouTube didn't allow it. Sketchy AF - thank you so much for sharing!!!
Thanks for the post. I received an email but can't find it in my YT messages. I deleted the email right away after reading reviews of the network, including this. Very helpful. Thanks for looking out.
I got scam on this network, please help me... guys
I created a blog post and share it too, please help me guys by sharing my blog post tohttp://maycarl.com/2016/01/08/youtubers-beware-music-nations-network-is-a-huge-scam/o
They've just sent me an email.
I won't be replying to their "offer".
Thank you for the post :)
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